Monday, June 18, 2007

Home Grown Tomatoes

Homegrown tomatoes....nothing in the world can beat that taste. This year, I finally planted my first grown up 45 almost 46.....There are 5 tomato plants, 3 cucumbers, 2 yellow summer squash and 1 watermelon!!!! A very small garden compared to the gardens we grew when my parents had slave year we planted over 200 tomato plants alone.....there was almost 10 acres in tomatoes, beans, peas, peppers, okra, squash, cucumbers, and sweet corn Daddy loved to have us pick it all and then give it away to people at church......we grumbled alot....

So I love my small garden, easy to hoe and keep the weeds down. Micah helped me weed early on without supervision and I ended up with 1 tomato plant left in the garden...the one giving us tomatos now! We have been getting tomatoes for over a week now....Micah loves to eat them straight off the vine like an apple. I have been meaning to get a picture of the tomatoes on the vine but it is hard to beat Micah to them!

P.S. Thanks to all who attended my Pity Party!
P.S.S. The windows in the picture really arent as filthy as they appear!!! LOL wink wink.....It is the were taken at dusk with no light on in the house....the top picture was so dark you couldnt see the tomatos until I enhanced it.....thought it was pretty interesting.....


AmyWhit said...

I like the effect on the first one. It almost appears to have a watercolor effect, don't you think? I LOVE vine-ripened tomatoes. Summer vegetables are soooo yummy!

jamie said...

Dusk......what is that? It is light pretty much all day here.

I like the first one too!! Ahhh, tomatoes off the vine! I have nine on mine right now! Hopefully they will have a chance to turn red this year!

Anonymous said...


I love your hair. It looks fun!
Your photo's are beautiful and poetic. Hang in there girl. Take it from me the time FLIES and Micah will be grown and flying away from his nest sooner than you realize.
You absolutely need to create downtime for yourself too. It is important to create a life for yourself that does not revolve just around Micah. Take care and go meditate.

Judy said...

I thought you did a great job with the effect on the pictures. Love those tomatoes too.

I have a "pretend garden" (that is what Wayne calls it. Cause like your daddy if we ain't platin' the lower 40 well it just ain't a real garden) I too have a couple squash can truck farm off three! some cukes, egg plants, peppers..and no weeds!

You hang in there girl, Friends divide the burdens and multiply the call any time.