Micah and I journeyed out to purchase a $12.00 swimming pool from Wal Mart. Micah had a grand time playing this afternoon as evidenced by the photos above. I will tell you that I have never been able to go in Wal Mart and purchase one thing....always so much more that is needed!!! LOL.
Just a note to ponder:
Excerpt from an email my mentor Linda sent me: "In much the same way, when I shine, I believe I am reflecting the warmth and love of God’s love upon me. As I reflected on that, my inner God voice suggested that possibly the degree I shine is in direct proportion to how open I am to receiving God’s love. When I notice someone else shining it is because I am recognizing they are a child of God also and have become open to seeing God’s reflection of love upon them. I believe God loves everyone. So when I have a problem with someone, it isn’t because they aren’t loved any less by God. It is because I’m not open to seeing that love of God upon them."
First kudos to you for getting out of wal-mart with only the item you sought out to get!!! He looks like he was having some fun in the pool!!
Second, I say let you light shine, girl!! It will spread to everyone around you.
Now Judy, I see that light every time I see you..You have one of the most wonderful laughs I have ever heard and you use it all the time.. You are a caring person and I am so glad your friend was able to bring you back to center. The center of God's presence that is. I'll tell you a stoy of how God got my attention in the same "co-worker delima" I was headed to a meeting and I knew SHE would there...I said to myself "I can fake this, I can be nice and not let her know how I really feel..who will know??" and God says to me in my car "I'll know". I'm like "GREAT". Well, it was a life changing moment for me. I changed my real feelings about HER right then and there and I did not have to fake a thing I was "real" with her and it changed her too. God is so good..and knows so much better than we do..I can actually say I like this person and can hug her now when I see her..
I must miss talking to you cause I always write a book!!:0) so sorry!
Glad to hear that you got back on track. Just one more reason I really like working from home! LOL.
Gosh, I never knew you felt that way about Shelia, Ms. Judy! LOL You know I love you, Shelia!
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